Install XP From USB

How to start-
1. First make sure you have a properly formatted USB disk or flash media.
It must have a MBR and an active partition set.

a) USB flash media- format it with RMPrepUSB selecting "Boot as HDD" and "XP bootable" options.
Note that it will DELETE all partitions. NTFS is reported faster on some systems, your USB stick parameters are also factor. Whereas NTFS generally is not recommended for USB flash media, if you are not planning excessive usage, but rather occasional installs from it, then it should be safe to use it as long as you can boot from it.There is another way to format USB flash media- to use filter driver, such as Hitachi microdrive filter driver or dummydisk.sys (included, look in FILES\MULTIpartitionUSBstick folder). Using such driver will 'make' your stick to appear to Windows as fixed disk. In this case, when formatting Windows will write MBR on in with partition information.
You may now use Disk management console, or third party programs to make multiple partitions and format them as you desire.NTFS performs way faster on some systems, or with some USB sticks. However, keep in mind that depending on usage and USB stick quality, it may "wear it out" quicker.

!!!Make sure you set an active partition, either from Disk management, or from your favourite external program if you don't have such!!!
!!!Use primary partitions when placing Windows based sources!!!
!!!Usew first partition when copying Windows XP/2003/2000 Setup!!!

b) USB hard disk- format it from within Windows and make sure you set active partition!!!
In both cases USB boot is not guaranteed! That depends on your BIOS/motherboard, how disk is formatted and what file system etc.In general FAT16 is the best bet for compatibility, next is FAT32, then NTFS. In some cases different format tools may set improper geometry.

2. Select your sources
a) Windows- select the folder, which contains I386/AMD64 folders. Do NOT select folder I386 itself!
!!!If you used Nlite to slim it down, option "Operating System Options-->Manual Install and Upgrade for removal" must NOT be selected. This is crucial part.!!!

b) BartPE/WinBuilder/UBCD4Win/WinFLPC- select the folder, which contains I386 folder.
!!!In case of WinFLPC keep in mind that BOOT.INI on target disk wll be set incorrectly!!! In order to start it for a first time, either edit in BOOT.INI disk(z) to disk(z-1) from BartPE for example, or add this to menu.lst on the active partition of the USB disk
title Start WinFLPC
map (hd1) (hd0)
map --hook
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader /ntldr
Above example assumes WinFLPC is on first partition of your first internal disk. Ammend accordingly.
Once in WinFLPC, edit BOOT.INI on the internal disk as was mentioned above:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows FPLC" /FASTDETECT to
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows FPLC" /FASTDETECT

c) Vista / Windows 7 setup- select the folder with BOOT and SOURCES folders.
d) PartedMagic- where ISO file pmagic-3.X.iso is. You need to extract somewhere and point to its location.
To get PartedMagic:
e) SysLinux- select your Linux distro, which boots off SysLinux. All files/folders will be copied. A file(syslin.dat), containing Syslinux bootsector will be made, and an entry in the boot menu (menu.lst), pointing to that file will be made. In case you do not select anything only syslin.dat and ldlinux.sys will be copied, plus entry in menu.lst.
!!! Make sure you have not already added another source, which contains the same folders in root as the ones from Vista, UBCD4Win etc. The program will NOT overwrite files/folders.!!!
!!! SysLinux cannot be started from NTFS formatted partition !!!
3. Select target disk from the drop-down menu. Windows Setup can be started only from the first partition on the disk! It does not have to be active. Sorry, this is limitation from Microsoft- in case of removable USB disk, it can't read any partition than first.
If your USB disk is not shown then:
a) It's not inserted
b) It does NOT have an active partition
c) It's NOT formatted in FAT16,FAT32 or NTFS
d) The program has a bug :) Please report details.

Optional settings:
4. Force target disk type(FIXED/REMOVABLE)- usually the program will detect that for you. Force selection only if you are using filter driver as above mentioned dummydisk.sys or Hitachi microdrive filter driver. Or if for some reason the program did not detect it correctly. This is an important part when installing Windows XP/2kX from USB hard disks, or USB flash media, which is seen by Windows as FIXED.

5. Copy Setup boot files only- this option will copy just a minimal set of files (7-12MB), necessary for the first part(Text mode) of the setup.
Use to test how your USB disk boots, before copying the main part.
!!!DO NOT continue setup, you have to stop when you see the list of hard disks detected!!!

6. Test in QEMU- this will launch QEMU virtual machine, which will use your USB disk as it's internal disk. You may use that as a basic test how the build went.
Note that this not guarantees you the same result on real hardware.
!!! Currently it's setup to use 256MB RAM when started. Make sure you have at least that amount + some extra RAM available!!!

7. BOOT.INI adjustments
a) First field is the directory name, where Windows will be installed to.
b) Disk Nr.- on which of your disks Windows will be installed to. For example if you have two internal disks, first is disk 0, second is disk 1.
c) Partition number- in which partition of the above selected disk Windows will be installed to.
d) Additional entries in BOOT.INI- as above, but creates additional lines in BOOT.INI with the specified data. Use it if you plan to install Windows to disks/partition/directories other than the ones above.

This data will be used to create BOOT.INI on the USB disk, with the correct settings. It will be used to start the second part (GUI mode) of setup, AND to start Windows for first time, still using the USB disk as boot device.

!!!Make sure the above entries are correct, otherwise you will get error messages like "HAL.DLL/NTOSKRNL.EXE was not found"
I need to stress on that- make sure BOOT.INI data is correct, and DO NOT UNPLUG the USB disk until you enter first normal Windows desktop.

8) Press GO button, you have guessed that :)

You have 2 steps, in both USB stick is your boot device (change that preferably in BIOS):
-Text mode part of setup
-GUI mode part of setup

!!!If your source is NOT Windows XP2 SP2 or SP3, some of the compressed files in ~LS folder will be deleted during the first part(Text mode). To make another install from this disk you have to copy the missing files, use the program for this purpose and follow the prompts when it finds existing setup folders.!!!

and make sure you have a driver for your mass storage (SATA/AHCI/SCSI/RAID) controller in your source.

Install Windows 7 From USB

That need to be prepared:
  1. Flashdisk 4GB
  2. DVD installer windows 7
The steps are as follows:

  1. Plug the USB stick into your computer with XP,Vista or Win7 Operating systems.
  2. Open The Command Prompt (right click if u use Win7 and Run as administrator)
  3. Type "diskpart"
  4. Type "list disk"
  5. Type "select disk x" (where x = number of disks)
  6. Type "clean"
  7. Type "create partition primary"
  8. Type "select partition 1"
  9. Type "active"
  10. Type "format quick fs=ntfs"
  11. Type "assign"
  12. Type "exit"
  13. Insert your Windows 7 installer to DVD Rom
  14. Type "f:" (where 'f' is your DVD drive)
  15. Type "cd\boot"
  16. Type "bootsect /nt60 g:" (where 'g' is your USB Tumbdrive)
  17. Type "cd.."
  18. Type "xcopy f:*.* /s/e/f g:"
  19. Thats it...considerate done..!!!

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Pengkodean Data, Sinyal Analog dan Sinyal digital

 Pengertian  Penkodean
Pengkodean karakter atau kadang  disebut penyandian karakter, terdiri dari kode yang memasangkan karakter berurutan dari suatu kumpulan dengan sesuatu yang lain. Seperti urutan bilangan natural, octet atau denyut elektrik.Sehingga Pengkodean Adalah Pengambaran dari satu set sandi menjadi set sadi yang lain.
Teknik Pengkodean Yang biasa digunakan Diantaranya sebagai berikut:
1.ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
Dengan ciri-cirinya: Standar ini paling banyak digunakan
  • Merupakan sandi 7 bit
  • Terdapat 128 macam symbol yang dapat diberi sandi ini
  • Untuk transmisi asinkron terdiri dari 10 atau 11 bit, yaitu: 1 bit awal, 7 bit data, 1 bit paritas, 1 atau 2  bit akhir
2. Sandi Baudot Code (CCITT alphabet No.2 / Telex Code)
Dengan ciri-cirinya:
  • Terdiri dari 5 bit
  • Terdapat 32 macam symbol
  • Digunakan dua sandi khusus sehingga semua abjad dan angka dapat diberi sandi yaitu:
          1. LETTERS (11111)
          2. FIGURES (11011)
  • Tiap karakter terdiri dari: 1 bit awal, 5 bit data dan 1 bit akhir
3. Sandi 4 atau 8
  • Sandi dari IBM dengan kombinasi yang diperbolehkan adalah 4 buah “1” dan 4 buah “0”
  • Terdapat 70 karakter yang dapat diberi sandi ini
  • Transmisi asinkron membutuhkan 10 bit, yaitu: 1 bit awal, 8 bit data dan 1 bit akhir
4. BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
  • Terdiri dari 6 bit
  • Terdapat 64 kombinasi sandi
  • Transmisi asinkron membutuhkan 9 bit, yaitu: 1 bit awal, 6 bit data, 1 bit paritas dan 1 bit akhir
5. EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
  • Sandi 8 bit untuk 256 karakter
  • Transmisi asinkron membutuhkan 11 bit, yaitu: 1 bit awal, 8 bit data, 1 bit paritas dan 1 bit akhir.  Teknik Pengkodean Data dan Modulasi
Ada empat kombinasi hubungan data dan sinyal, yaitu:
1. Data digital, sinyal digital
Perangkat pengkodean data digital menjadi sinyal digital lebih sederhana daripada perangkat modulasi digital-to-analog. Data digital merupakan data yang memiliki deretan data yang memiliki ciri-ciri tersendiri. Salah satu contoh data digital adalah teks. Permasalahannya adalah data tersebut tidak dapat langsung ditransmisikan dalam sistem komunikasi. Data tersebut harus terlebih dahulu diubah dalam bentuk biner.
         Elemen sinyal adalah tiap pulsa dari sinyal digital. Data binary atau digital ditransmisikan dengan mengkodekan bit-bit data kedalam elemen-elemen sinyal.

       Faktor kesuksesan penerima dalam mengartikan sinyal yang datang:
  • Ratio Signal to Noise (S/N) : peningkatan S/N akan menurunkan bit errorrate.
  • Kecepatan data (data rate) : peningkatan data rate akan meningkatkan bit error rate (kecepatan error pada bit)
  • Bandwidth : peningkatan bandwidth data meningkatkan data rate
Hubungan ketiga faktor tersebut adalah:·          
    • Kecepatan data bertambah, maka kecepatan error pun bertambah, sehingga memungkinkan bit yang diterima error.
    • Kenaikan S/N mengakibatkan kecepatan error berkurang.
    • Lebar bandwidth membesar yang diperbolehkan, kecepatan data akan bertambah.
2. Data analog, sinyal digital
Konversi data analog ke bentuk digital memungkinkan pengguna perangkat transmisi dan switching digital.Transformasi data analog ke sinyal digital, proses ini dikenal sebagai
Tiga hal yang paling umum terjadi setelah proses digitalisasi adalah:
1.  Data digital dapat ditransmisikan menggunakan NRZ-L.
2.  Data digital dapat di-encode sebagai sinyal digital memakai kode NRZ-L.
     Dengan demikian, diperlukan step tambahan
3.  Data digital dapat diubah menjadi sinyal analog, menggunakan salah satu
     teknik modulasi
Codec (Coder-decoder) adalah device yang digunakan untuk mengubah data analog menjadi bentuk digital untuk transmisi, yang kemudian mendapatkan kembali data analog dari data digital tersebut. 

3. Data Analog, Sinyal Analog
Alasan dasar dari proses ini adalah diperlukannya frekuensi tinggi untuk transmisi yang efektif. Untuk transmisi unguided, hal tersebut tidak mungkin untuk mentransmisi sinyal-sinyal baseband dan juga antena-antena yang diperlukan akan menjadi beberapa kilometer diameternya, modulasi mendukung frequency-division multiplexing.
Teknik Modulasi memakai data analog adalah:
1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Modulasi ini menggunakan amplitudo sinyal analog untuk membedakan kedua keadaan sinyal digital, dimana frekuensi dan phasenya tetap, amplitudo yang berubah. AM adalah modulasi yang paling mudah, tetapi mudah juga dipengaruhi oleh keadaan media transmisinya.
2. Frequency Modulation (FM)
Modulasi ini menggunakan sinyal analog untuk membedakan kedua keadaan sinyal digital, dimana amplitudo dan phasenya tetap, frekuensi yang berubah. Kecepatan transmisi mencapai 1200 bit per detik. Untuk transmisi data sistem yang umum dipakai FSK.
3. Phase Modulation (PM)
Modulasi ini menggunakan perbedaan sudut phase sinyal analog untuk membedakan kedua keadaan sinyal digital, dimana frekuensi dan amplitudo tetap, phase yang berubah. Cara ini paling baik, tapi paling sukar, biasanya dipergunakan untuk pengiriman data dalam jumlah besar yang banyak dan kecepatan yang tinggi.
4.Data Digital, Sinyal Analog
Transmisi data digital dengan menggunakan sinyal analog. Contoh umum yaitu public telephone network. Device yang dipakai yaitu modem (modulator demodulator) yang mengubah data digital ke sinyal analog (modulator) dan sebaliknya mengubah sinyal analog menjadi data digital (demodulator).

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